Saturday, December 13, 2008

big girl panties...

hello blog friends!!! I am sorry that I left you for so long. I promise it will never happen again. So here is a run down of the new things in my life...

1. jeremy: i know you are sitting there with your jaws dropped, (not only b/c of his good looks), but that i actually have a boyfriend. :)

2. i wear big girl panties now: yes, I have officially graduated college and get to wake up in the morning and ask myself, "hum...what should I do today". it's pretty fun.

3. relocation: i have no details about thinks i should probably figure this out sometime soon. I will be living out of my suitcase for sometime. So be prepared... if you hear your doorbell ring, do not close the blinds, turn off all the lights, and act like you're not home.

4. career?: i don't have this yet. so if you have an odd job that needs to be done and want to pay me dollars, i am your woman.

5. diet?: i am going on the PEL diet next week because I will be spending the week in Louisville. Pray for me.

6. famous sibling?:: my sister is soon to be the next chris crocker.

That's all for now...I am back to my blogging now that things have settled down. Come back and read all of the exciting adventures that I plan on posting. Graduation Party, Visits to Lawrencburg, Adventures in Louisville, X-mas, ect.


Ashley said...

YEAH! Well, feel free to come and visit here for a week or two! I'm sure Derek can find some odd jobs for you to do at his work and our house always needs a good cleaning. We'll split the ticket with you!

Love you and congratulations on graduation, the boyfriend, and having a semi-famous sibling.

Petethewoman said...

Welcome back blog friend! We missed you.

Congrats on all the accomplishments and changes in your life. You seem very happy and that makes me happy.

I am very proud of you. Love you!

Tam said...

Glad you're back Court! Welcome to "Big Girl Pantie World", rather boring but sometimes adventurious. How bout the hottie? Hubba Hubba! SHARE!!!

courtney zenner said...

no sharing. he is all mine.muahahaha. jk you can hug.

Laura said...

somewhere in my lifetime I think I remember Sissy making fun of me for wearing big girl panties but I believe she called the love pats.

above all, we are all so proud of you. (and the dude is HOT!)

Laura said...

somewhere in my lifetime I think I remember Sissy making fun of me for wearing big girl panties but I believe she called them love pats.

above all, we are all so proud of you. (and the dude is HOT!)

Laura said...

somewhere in my lifetime I think I remember Sissy making fun of me for wearing big girl panties but I believe she called them love pats.

above all, we are all so proud of you. (and the dude is HOT!)

Laura said...

what the heck just happened? i think my brain had a misfire...

courtney zenner said...


Petethewoman said...

Wow really get excited about the Big Girl Panties

Tam said...

Okay! Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug
Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug.......Wow can't wait till Christmas :)