Wednesday, December 17, 2008

oh baby...

let's take a pole to see what ashley's baby is going to like the most. aunt CC says the last one in row two!!! Black and White is a good brain stimulant for babies as well. Fashion and Development CAN go together!!!


Petethewoman said...

From reading Court's comment, I am PRETTY SURE I now know why she failed Algebra! If anyone knows which set she is actually talking about, please let me know.

I vote row two, 1st set...because we know it will be a girl for PEL! I like the "B" picture from the first set, though. I would like to buy a "B".

Tam said...

Third row, last one :)

Ashlee said...

Court, I re-read your post like 3 times just to make sure I wasn't going crazy, and now I am so glad i'm not alone (thanks Pete you're hawt & wonderful all at the same time)--I love you anyway Court!!

I vote the 2nd one on row 2. I love little animals and I REALLY love the wall color. I'm a sucker for lime green :)

Mandy Greene said...

I vote 3rd row, 2nd picture! Love the walls and the rug. (but I like the iron bed the best from the 2nd row).

Ashley said...

I am confused too because I have a widescreen computer and I think my rows are different than everyone elses!

I like the pink one with the framed topiaries above the crib most for a girl, but I also like the one with the framed B. I LOVE the one with solid blue walls!

Does this mean you will decorate my nursery?

courtney zenner said...

if you buy the stuff...or everyone else buys you the stuff at your showers I will FO SHO come decorate the room...especially if it's for the baby. Um...yea I didnt realize thast as your screen size changes, the rows change. Oh well. I was talking about the black and white one with poka dots on the rug and stripes on the bed.

courtney zenner said...

p.s. I failed algebra because ASHLEE passed me notes all the time.

Laura said...

ok I apparently MISSED something here...I didn't know there was a baby on the way. I guess I missed the I get more info?!?!?

Ashley said...

No baby...yet! Just planning!

Ashley said...
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Nee said...

I agree with tam but also like the B picture. What a lucky baby!!!! All of us will have HER spoiled beyond.

Unknown said...

I like third row, last one!!!