Thursday, January 8, 2009

Our Trip to Brady's...

Jeremy and I took a trip out in the country to see Brady and take pictures for Aunt Tam to finish her collage. We had a lot of fun talking about random things, eating deer jerky, watching soko play, and of course talking pictures. Here is what we came up with. I hope you enjoy them. I think he is quite a handsome young man!!!

(dear family...if you would like a "quality" print of Brady...I would be happy to get you one printed FREE of charge. this means you are no longer allowed to print them from the interweb and hang them on your fridge...picaso didn't paint with mud! ;) haha, i just laughed at myself!!! post a comment and place your order!) I love you!!!


Ashley said...

Awww...he looks so cute! And SoCo looks SCARY! LOL Good thing he is a sweet dog.

Nee said...

love the pic's good job as always

Petethewoman said...

Love, love,love the pic of Brady with SoCo. The second pic sooo captures Brady's natural look. He always has the crooked little smile. I like it in the colored and the black and white. Good Job Court. B, you could be a model.

jennlovescorey said...

these arge great! I'd like the third one please.