Thursday, January 8, 2009

Soko...a story through photographs

Soko was jealous that Brady was getting all of the attention while getting his portraits taken that he ran around like a little kid with a deer leg in his mouth...(excuse the freshness of it all). He was such a beautiful/photogenic pup!

the best lolz wins a prize!!


courtney zenner said...

don' movez another footz. or else...
you haz moved...
nom nom nom...

Ashley said...

Bambi? I haz seen no bambiz! Dis frum de deer leg store! Swearz!

courtney zenner said...


Tam said...

Youz sink dis jerky dis goodz, youz should taze da sausagez i made frum da rest of himz!

Ashley said...

Bwahahahahahah! Tam is really good at lolspeak!!! OMGz! LOLz!

Petethewoman said...

Tam steps up to the plate!

Tam said...

Bert's LOLz:

If dis Bradyz ownerz dude don't startz feeding mez betterz, I am gonnaz haz to startz chewyingz on hiz skinny azz!

jennlovescorey said...

I vote for Bret's lolspeak