Thursday, September 18, 2008

order complete...

Meme and Tam,
Your orders have been completed. They will come to me first so I can go through all of them and package them. Can't wait for you to see them (and a few extras I have included for you that I wanted to try out). Can't wait to see them...AND YOU!!!! I was thinking that I would just bring them to you Corn Day weekend. Let me know if that's okay with you! Love you!!!!

Corey Dean: Practice your camera face for your favorite cousin!!! Your photo day is coming up with your little buddy Mason! We are going to have so much fun. You are REALLY going to love me when you see the mini cake that is involved in your shoot!!! Miss you and love you!!! I hope your mommy is reading this to you!!! MWAH HONEY BUNNEY!!!!


Tam said...

Sounds good! Did you get my message about the '09 in the corner? Nick was asking me about it. Love ya!

courtney zenner said...

yes I did...I don't know how good it's going to look....but we will find out soon.

Tam said...

Yikes!! What if it doesn't look good?

jennlovescorey said...

I will read to Butters later...little mister has the croop so we are trying to get him better! Love you!!