Saturday, September 27, 2008


So today I went to Nashville to attend a design event called Think Tank. I learned a lot!!! AND the food was yummy! So we were listening to this man (Mike Janda) speak about the "nuggets" of how he runs his creative team and rules which they live by basically. It was the craziest thing...he was talking about that the things that we do in life...the things that we do or create is based on 85% people relationships and 15% technical skill. I thought it was strange that I had just referenced a quote involving something being broken down into percentages. (if you read my last blog you will understand what I am talking about)...BUT what made it even more weird is that he ended his lecture with his last wisdom nugget...which he stated "It's always about pressure"...and then referred back to the diamond being made under pressure. I was officially freaked out. I think this man read my blog before he made his presentation. (okay, not really)...but what are the chances of choosing two quotes out of the millions of quotes out there and then hearing it referenced the next day??
Maybe it's a sign...
for what I have no clue.

I met Seymour Chwast...for those of you that don't know...he's a big freakin designer deal.
He is the husband to one of my greatest design heros Paula Scher, this is a piece Paula did for a ballet school in New York. I hope for my work to be as awesome as hers one day. No offense to Seymour, but he needs to bring his wife next time he decides to come to Nashville. He still Rocks though.

So...those were the highlights of my day.
I have turned into a addict of design. I will prob need rehab soon.
I'm sorry to bore you with my designer talk...
at least you will know just a tad bit more about me now if nothing else.


aside from all of's blockbuster night...
I got three movies...
Married Life
The Art of Travel
and Adrift in Manhattan

I have only watched Married Life so far. Ashley...You will LOVE this movie. It's set in the 40's. will love it too because it has Rachel McAdams (the girl from The Notebook) in it. Go rent it!!!!
watch the movie trailer

Oh yes...I know what I am naming my first son...
you may not agree...but I think it's precious!!!


Ashley said...

Whoa...that definitely means something. What, I do not know, but I hope it means you will not be shooed ;) That would be fantastic.

Petethewoman said...

Sounds like a good day for you if you believe in fate. I have always said things happen for a reason...sometimes we do not know immediately why, but the reason usually is clear at some point. I'm glad you had such a good time. Have fun at the movies!