Thursday, September 4, 2008

six feet under...

So I've been wanting to share this with you for a while. I just found a minute to take a break from school work so here we go. This is one of the greatest openings I have ever seen. Barry (my advanced digital imaging teacher) showed this the first day of class. We were all VERY intimidated after we saw it. I actually thought about dropping the class. We watched it two more times and how it was made. It's just amazing. All of the movement is so precisely on key with the music. The music itself it amazing. And how all of the type interacts with everything left me in awe. I am so glad Barry showed us this. Sorry if the song is stuck in your head for a while. I walked around all day saying "duna da dan dun". Hope you appreciate great things like this as much as I do.


Mandy Greene said...

Aren't technology and talent amazing! Awesome, so are you going to be making something like this soon?

courtney zenner said...

I wish!!!!

Petethewoman said...

Pretty cool. Is that from the TV show?