Monday, October 13, 2008

corn day craziness... corn day was crazy this brought out the crazies in Carmi. That's for sure. I had so much fun...this is a picture of Shelby and I, it was my first time at Danny's. That definitely requires a picture. I'm so excited that the experience is now permanently documented for life. Haha. It was so good to see everyone. I'm so glad that everyone let loose (some more than others...bahaha). Be looking for pictures of the cousins in a few. Sweet Sweet Babies.


Petethewoman said...

Drunkie McDrunkie!

Ashley said...

Uh, roood! LOL

courtney zenner said...


Tam said...

Mrs. Brown,

Sould you really be hangin with other men????

courtney zenner said...

haha...mrs. brown?

You Towell Girls are determined :)

Maybe I will be so lucky as to one day find someone as wonderful and charming as he is. If I never end up with the title...whoever she is will be one lucky woman!!!