Saturday, October 25, 2008

i'm: bored...

Here's a real thought provoker...

I search: for peace, my brain, and my prince charming

I regret: regret...what is regret?

I love: my mom

I care: about what I eat

I always: need a coca cola

I worry: that I wont be able to have kids...

I am not: God, but I am my creator

I remember: what did you say?

I believe: that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I sing: all day my head.

I dance: when I am getting ready

I don't always: fit in

I argue: with myself.

I write: my to do lists ten times each.

I win: and i'm sorry...but you lose.

I lose: lose...what's lose?

I wish: I was an oscar meir weenier.

I listen: to my mom.

I don't understand: the opposite sex.

I can usually be found: daydreaming

I am scared: of not being loved.

I need: a hug

I forget: that i'm not a baby anymore.

I am happy: when I eat chinese food!!


Mandy Greene said...

Baby Wade and I love you! And I also worried I would not be able to have kids and bam honeymoon baby we have. Dont worry about that one, God knows that you will be a wonderful mommy!

Ashley said...

LOL...I love this! Your answers are so funny and witty. I especially like "I win: and I'm sorry, you lose."

jennlovescorey said...

I want time to think like you do...

courtney zenner said...

I hope as good as a mommy as you!!!

Petethewoman said...

Court...I LOVE YOU!!!

courtney zenner said...