Thursday, October 30, 2008

Senior Exhibit...

This is my poster for my Senior Design Exhibit that you will hopefully be attending!!! I hope to see all of you there!


Ashlee said...

I love how your "Zenner" is just a "Z"...That's your new name...Courtney Z. (Yes this is my first comment ever and I plan to go back and comment on every single post!) :)

Ashlee said...
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Ashley said...

Oooh, I love it! I can't wait to see all your work. I'm really excited!!!

Petethewoman said...

Really cool. You did a good job! I will be attending as the proud mother of Courtney Z. Welcome aboard Ashlee!!!

Petethewoman said...

Really cool. You did a good job! I will be attending as the proud mother of Courtney Z. Welcome aboard Ashlee!!!

Tam said...

I love it Court.
What are your grad dates again?

jennlovescorey said...

ahh, I'd love to come. Will have to talk to Nik and see what we can do! This is great though Court!

Ashlee said...

Thank you petethewoman! :) We will have to come see you soon!