Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
mark your calendar...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
carmi times

sara and i had so much fun in carmi. The photoshoots ended up being a lot of fun and i believe that they were rather successful. on the other hand, we had a little more fun with the aunts and uncles.
Yellow Tavern and Photoshoot Fun
Monday, August 18, 2008
sneak peak

everyone keeps texting and calling wondering how the shoots went this week, so I thought I would give everyone a sneak peak of Sami's shoot. Hope you guys rikie. I'm looking forward to sharing more with everyone later.
Samantha Higginson (Nene this is where you click to view more pictures)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
i love sara...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
praise jesus for toys r us

The other day I took Will to Toys R' Us to play with all of the toys. He thought it was the greatest thing ever. We haz fun. The picture of the kid with the helmet on was sooo funny. It was a tag that was hanging down from one toy onto another. Will said "OMG, All of these kids are turning into Darth Vader." You might of had to of just been there.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
hero of the week

Whitney is my hero of the week. I am so fortunate to have her in my life. Everybody needs some Whitney Zenner in their lives!!! She is so beautiful on the inside and of course the outside. She recently drew this picture and I was amazed. She has really been working on and exploring her artistic side she is so talented
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
this is what i love the most...
Thursday, August 7, 2008

des iz meowvelous!!!!
Ashley introduced me to lolcats. I hate cats...but this stuff is pretty funny. I obviously didn't know what lolspeak was because I thought everything was in French. It's not French...
i want my car seat back...

Today was my last "official" day with Abby and Gage. Unfortunately they have to go back to school tomorrow and I have to go back in a few weeks. I thought I was going to be okay until I was on my way home...I had to give them Gagies car seat for Ms. Michelle...I kept looking back and nothing was there. It was the most empty feeling in the world. I cried like a little baby all the way home. I am sure going to miss them...I know this wont be the last time I will be seeing them, but it's just another reminder of how little time I have left here. Will goes back to school on Thursday and I will have to do this all over again. These children are certainly going to be the hardest thing that I will ever have to leave behind.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
i laugh, you laugh

So I called my sister the other day and told her that she should start a blog about the crazy things that happen in her life. Her and Derek have the funniest conversations and stories ever told. Well, it's more like they are so off the wall crazy or weird that it makes you laugh. I hope my marriage is filled with this much funniness. You should read her blog everyday that you are feeling like you need a good laugh...or just when you are bored. (after mine of course). So, I just wanted to say thank you Ashley and Derek, for giving me something to laugh about everyday!!
laughtrack to my life
doesn't take much...

sometimes that is!!! I have found that the easiest way to entertain Gage is to pull out my cell phone and snap pictures of him. After every planned pose he strategically comes up with he stops and says "mine wonna see". This could go on for hours. This shirt that he had on yesterday cracks me up. I hope my kids will be able to sport something like this someday...and be this happy to wear it. Haha.
I finally got my camera back from the repair shop. I am SO eager to start snapping be looking for new pictures soon.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
weekend at the lake

I went to the lake this weekend. It was a VERY relaxing weekend. Mom and Steve and Ne and Pa were there. We ate, and laughed, made lots of "pb&jj" (as Pa called it all weekend) and brownswager and bologna sandwiches, rented movies, and of course went out on the boat. We went to Courtney Cove the first day. The water was pretty shallow so it felt somewhat like bath water. Pa and Steve went fishing and the girls stayed in and watched a movie. I got booed for picking out the most ridiculous movie ever. The next morning I fixed everyone breakfast...eggs and bacon. Ne and Pa were thrilled. We boated out to Lick Creek and swam with the fish. Pa got a GOOD laugh from Ray Stevens. I must admit...It was funnier to watch Pa chuckle than it was to listen to Ray. Mom was of course frustrated with Ne and I for being Chatty Cathy's...who can blame us though, we had lots to talk about.
Friday, August 1, 2008
here we go
The boredom that I have experienced this summer leaves me no other option...i have decided to try to make the best of it and enter the blogging world. I must admit, I am rather excited.
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