Monday, August 18, 2008

sneak peak

everyone keeps texting and calling wondering how the shoots went this week, so I thought I would give everyone a sneak peak of Sami's shoot. Hope you guys rikie. I'm looking forward to sharing more with everyone later.

Samantha Higginson (Nene this is where you click to view more pictures)


Ashley said...

Me rikie arot!!! Sam, you look AWESOME! I can't wait to see more. I love the picture of you in the blue shirt where it's a close up of your face! Awwwww

Mandy Greene said...

Aww man Courtney, those are awesome! Where did you shoot those? I want you to do some of my little man again!

Petethewoman said...

Sam, the pics are really good. I like the close up and the one where you are sitting down...and the one of your head...oh, I just really like all of them! Good job Court

jennlovescorey said...

The first pic of Sam reminds me of a country music cd cover! Sami is just gorgeous! Court you capture such emotion in your pics. Looking at your pictures is like reading a story. Love it!!!