Tuesday, August 5, 2008

weekend at the lake

I went to the lake this weekend. It was a VERY relaxing weekend. Mom and Steve and Ne and Pa were there. We ate, and laughed, made lots of "pb&jj" (as Pa called it all weekend) and brownswager and bologna sandwiches, rented movies, and of course went out on the boat. We went to Courtney Cove the first day. The water was pretty shallow so it felt somewhat like bath water. Pa and Steve went fishing and the girls stayed in and watched a movie. I got booed for picking out the most ridiculous movie ever. The next morning I fixed everyone breakfast...eggs and bacon. Ne and Pa were thrilled. We boated out to Lick Creek and swam with the fish. Pa got a GOOD laugh from Ray Stevens. I must admit...It was funnier to watch Pa chuckle than it was to listen to Ray. Mom was of course frustrated with Ne and I for being Chatty Cathy's...who can blame us though, we had lots to talk about.


Petethewoman said...

The lake weekend was relaxing. I even forgive you and Ne for chatting so much. How about those jumping fish?! Scary!

Tam said...


No eating of PB&JJ"S without permission from "Chef Tammy'O"

Violators: Five laps around toon........without diapers! OR
eat your sammies on FRESH bread and leave it stuck to the roof of your mouth for 2 hours!