Thursday, August 7, 2008

i want my car seat back...

Today was my last "official" day with Abby and Gage. Unfortunately they have to go back to school tomorrow and I have to go back in a few weeks. I thought I was going to be okay until I was on my way home...I had to give them Gagies car seat for Ms. Michelle...I kept looking back and nothing was there. It was the most empty feeling in the world. I cried like a little baby all the way home. I am sure going to miss them...I know this wont be the last time I will be seeing them, but it's just another reminder of how little time I have left here. Will goes back to school on Thursday and I will have to do this all over again. These children are certainly going to be the hardest thing that I will ever have to leave behind.


jennlovescorey said...

sniffle, sniffle... made me cry

Petethewoman said...

Oh, that was sad. The pic is so sweet. Maybe now you can get a man since you don't appear to have a ready made family waiting in the wings. Ha

courtney zenner said...

Oh always look on the bright side of things. I just love you!!!

charlsie said... make me cry!!!! I love this pic! You have left your mark on these kids hearts forever!