Wednesday, August 6, 2008

i laugh, you laugh

So I called my sister the other day and told her that she should start a blog about the crazy things that happen in her life. Her and Derek have the funniest conversations and stories ever told. Well, it's more like they are so off the wall crazy or weird that it makes you laugh. I hope my marriage is filled with this much funniness. You should read her blog everyday that you are feeling like you need a good laugh...or just when you are bored. (after mine of course). So, I just wanted to say thank you Ashley and Derek, for giving me something to laugh about everyday!!
laughtrack to my life


Ashley said...

SWEET! My first link!!! This just made me remember my poop story...I need to add that.

Petethewoman said...

Ashley, I was just thinking about the poop story and how it would be very appropriate for this site.