Thursday, October 30, 2008

Senior Exhibit...

This is my poster for my Senior Design Exhibit that you will hopefully be attending!!! I hope to see all of you there!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

photography assignment

If you wonder what I do at school...take a gander (haha I heard this word today and had to use it sometime before the day was over).

Monday, October 27, 2008

sugar high...

I stayed with Will tonight while Charlsie and Jamie went to the Titans game. We made a haunted cookie castle. I didn't think you were really suppose to eat them...Will thought otherwise!!! I guess it was good because there is only a tiny bit of the house left standing!!! <3 him!!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

i'm: bored...

Here's a real thought provoker...

I search: for peace, my brain, and my prince charming

I regret: regret...what is regret?

I love: my mom

I care: about what I eat

I always: need a coca cola

I worry: that I wont be able to have kids...

I am not: God, but I am my creator

I remember: what did you say?

I believe: that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I sing: all day my head.

I dance: when I am getting ready

I don't always: fit in

I argue: with myself.

I write: my to do lists ten times each.

I win: and i'm sorry...but you lose.

I lose: lose...what's lose?

I wish: I was an oscar meir weenier.

I listen: to my mom.

I don't understand: the opposite sex.

I can usually be found: daydreaming

I am scared: of not being loved.

I need: a hug

I forget: that i'm not a baby anymore.

I am happy: when I eat chinese food!!

Happy Halloween

Here...I made you something. Happy Halloween my loves!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Story of My Life...

Wow...So I am really nervous that this is how things will end up for me....
probably my future...
i knew I took those life guarding classes for something...

Dear Lord,
Please bless me with a better experience than this.
Thank You,
Hail mary (times however many Father XYZ tells me to do)
Courtney B. Zenner

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fun With the Kiddies...

I got to see the kiddies last night. We went to Chunkie Cheese and made dinner...after all the running around the house and eatting candy corn (Gage spilled them all over the place he looked at me and said "Mine not gonna tell mommy bout this one" and proceeded to pick all of them up and place them back in the bowl. It was hilarious)...then we all snuggled up to watch a movie. We had lots of fun! They are getting so big!!! Can't wait to see them again!

Corey and Mason: Proofs...

Corey's Proofs

Mason's Proofs

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Toms Shoes are pretty cool in my book...

Someone told me about this website. I thought it was such a thoughtful cause...and not to mention some of Toms shoes pretty awesome shoes. For every pair that you buy they give a child in Argentina or South Africa a pair as well. Pretty cool stuff...check it out.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Corey Dean is a Corn Day Cutie...

I couldn't sleep so I have been going through Corey Deans photographs. These are just a few that I like. There will be plenty more later. He was being a "little turd" (as Jenn would say) when I shot these. I was nervous that I wasn't going to be able to get anything for Jenn and Nik. Thanks to Ne and Pa for helping entertain and Jenn for introducing the Hey NaNa and away we go song to corey at such a young age, I was able to get some really cute expressions from him. So Jenn and Nik rest assured...we got some!!! YAY! Give Corey a big hug and kiss for me. I miss him and am so glad to always have these fun memories to look back on. Look for the album very very soon. Hope you rikie my faves!!!

Let me share one more thing with you guys...I was so sad that one of my favorite shots had jenn's leg in it...and then I got to thinking..It really works here because I feel as though it is a portrait of the life of a mother...always there, right behind them to catch them when they fall...chasing them as they run around...pulling them up while they are throwing a fit...
I was very excited to capture this story in such a happy accident. Thanks Jenn...for doing your job as a mother and always being right behind him, and better yet... that I can make happy accidents.

Love you! xoxo

Monday, October 13, 2008

Birthday Boy...

Corey Dean loved his cake!!!

Sweet Sweet Baby

Mason's Corn Day Photo Shoot

corn day craziness... corn day was crazy this brought out the crazies in Carmi. That's for sure. I had so much fun...this is a picture of Shelby and I, it was my first time at Danny's. That definitely requires a picture. I'm so excited that the experience is now permanently documented for life. Haha. It was so good to see everyone. I'm so glad that everyone let loose (some more than others...bahaha). Be looking for pictures of the cousins in a few. Sweet Sweet Babies.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

time flies...

I can't believe it has almost been a year. This is my favorite picture of Corey and I. Corn Day here we come!!!!!! Can't wait to see everyone...especially my little loves!!!