Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

snowed in...

Jeremy came to Louisville this week to hang out. We got snowed in today so we made the best of it and went and played in the snow. We tried to make a snowman, but he wasn't packin.. (haha, that was funny...yes, I just laughed at my own joke)...anyways, we even tried to make a wee one for ashley, but couldn't. So, we decided to go sledding!!! It was way fun. We are currently looking for a place that isn't sold out of real sleds. I called Sams and before they even said can I help you the man said "hi, thank you for calling Sams, we are all sold out of salt, generators, shovels, and sleds, can I help you with anything else." That's what I call business!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

mom jeans...

oh my god...this reminds me of how long it took us girls to finally convince mom that the mom jeans and Keds HAD TO BE BURNED!!!! It took quite a few years to convince her that it was okay to be a cool mom!!! And today...she rocks them bootylicious fashions!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

christmas with the crazies...


hey sashey...

"I laugh at you because Pa thinks you're stupid...shake your head like that again" -Mason


this picture wins the prize...

my boyfriend has talent...

On the way back from Brady's the sun was setting so Jeremy and I stopped in the middle of the nowhere to capture the moment, and the land. Jeremy can't resist getting behind the lens to play when the big camera is out. We talk about the basic rules and technicalities, but it is obvious that the boy has a natural eye for things. I must say, I felt a bit threatened. I try to talk him into partnering with me so one day we could be rich people. Anyways... I LOVE these pictures he took and wanted to share them! It feels like home!

Soko...a story through photographs

Soko was jealous that Brady was getting all of the attention while getting his portraits taken that he ran around like a little kid with a deer leg in his mouth...(excuse the freshness of it all). He was such a beautiful/photogenic pup!

the best lolz wins a prize!!

Our Trip to Brady's...

Jeremy and I took a trip out in the country to see Brady and take pictures for Aunt Tam to finish her collage. We had a lot of fun talking about random things, eating deer jerky, watching soko play, and of course talking pictures. Here is what we came up with. I hope you enjoy them. I think he is quite a handsome young man!!!

(dear family...if you would like a "quality" print of Brady...I would be happy to get you one printed FREE of charge. this means you are no longer allowed to print them from the interweb and hang them on your fridge...picaso didn't paint with mud! ;) haha, i just laughed at myself!!! post a comment and place your order!) I love you!!!