Tuesday, November 25, 2008


i'm sorry to all that read my blog for disappearing the past couple of weeks. I have been trying to get everything together for my senior exhibition and get through these last couple of projects that I have left for my other classes. Let me tell you...busy busy busy. Although I will miss out on Thanksgiving with the family this year, I want everyone to know that I will be thinking about you and love you very much. Mom and Ashley and Ne and Pa are all coming this coming weekend and I am so excited!!! I have more coming later so beware! :)

Food For Thought:
"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these."
-George Washington Carver

Monday, November 17, 2008

the watson's...

I did the Watson's family portraits last weekend. I love watching this family interact with eachother. Everyone laughs at what everyone else does. It melts my heart!!!

the schacht's...

Here are some photos from the shoot I did on sunday. Baby Julia and Maddy were so precious!!! I love this family and how adorable they all were!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

it's a greene christmas...

Here is baby Wades Christmas picture that I took last weekend!! He is such a little peanut!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

senior exhibit...

the group poster for our exhibit!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

we love chunkie cheese...

I took the kiddies to Chunkie Cheese this weekend. All of us had a blast! Ugh, i think i may have an obsession with the pizza too! They want to make another trip tomorrow. More pizza more fun! i did the watson's and greene's family portraits today. It was fun...I am excited to see what we have. Can't wait to get them up and share them with you all. Jason made fun of my rigged set up!!! Ohhh what a fun time. Poor baby Wade didn't feel good and wasn't too excited about getting his picture done but he still managed to get those adorable little smiles in there from time to time. Gage sported a new smile. He tucks his upper lip under his teeth. He is such a ham. Abby is getting SO big. We were curling her hair and she looked like she was 15, she is so beautiful!!!! Everyone is growing up so fast!!! I cooked White Chicken Chillie and jalapeno cornbread for the house tonight. It was yummy and nice to have everyone together. Perfect for the weather!!! Thanks CC!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Spaghetti Lovers...

Ethan (my best friend Ashlee's little boy) and I share a love for spaghetti. He loves it so much that he feels the need to rub it all over his head! I love it so much that I broke a personal record today...3 cans of Spaghetti O's! So I just wanted to share some pictures of Ethan. He is getting so big!!! He sure doesn't look like his momma, but he sure does act like her!!! Hahaha, You know I love you Ash!!!

TOMS Shoes...

I'm so excited!!! I was finally able to order the shoes and shirt I have been wanting from TOMS Shoes! The best thing about it isn't the cute shoes I am going to be able to sport, but I FINALLY got the chance to help the children. When I was little (okay, and still do) I was addicted to the Feed the Children shows. I wanted to help them sooo bad. I even asked my mom to donate my christmas present money to Feed the Children one year. It feels so good to finally be able to do something good! Hope you like your dedication ash!!!

I bought my TOMS...HAVE YOU???

Monday, November 3, 2008

"You sell oranges?"

I went to Louisville this weekend to spend some time with Jake and the rest of the family. We had such a blast. We found an officer Dangle and of course Wayne and Garth. They were too funny! I am glad we all got to spend some quality time together!!!